I forrige del av Safety, redegjorde vi for Independent inspection.
Men hva gjør man om man trenger å utføre indepentent inspection når man er alene?
EASA regelverket åpner opp for dette gjennom prosedyren for Reinspection.
Prosedyren henger sammen med Control of Critical task, og skal være beskrevet i selskapets prosedyrer for man kan bruke denne metoden.
NB:NHF vil påpeke at prosedyren kun er tillatt brukt i uforutsette tilfeller.
I tillegg til kravene for independent inspection beskriver regelverket følgende:
(AMC4 Part 145.A.48(b))
«(d) What to do in unforeseen cases when only one person is available
(1) Reinspection is an error-capturing method subject to the same conditions as an independent inspection is, except that the ‘authorised person’ performing the maintenance task is also acting as ‘independent qualified person’ and performs the inspection.
(2) Reinspection, as an error-capturing method, should only be performed in unforeseen circumstances when only one person is available to carry out the task and perform the independent inspection. The circumstances cannot be considered unforeseen if the person or organisation has not assigned a suitable ‘independent qualified person’ to that particular line station or shift.
(3) The certificate of release to service is issued after the task has been performed by the ‘authorised person’ and the reinspection has been carried out satisfactorily. The work card system used by the organisation should record the identification and the details of the reinspection before the certificate of release to service for the task is issued.»