Denne utgaven av Safety tar for seg hvilke privilegier et flyteknisk sertifikat gir deg som har fått utstedt et slikt sertifikat.
Part-66 sertifikatene er utstedt av myndighetene i et EASA medlemsland. For vår del her i Norge, er det Luftfartstilsynet som utsteder flytekniske sertifikater. For ansatte i Part-145 organisasjoner gir sertifikatene deg som innehaver privilegier, men ingen rettigheter. Det betyr i praksis at man trenger en autorisasjon fra en vedlikeholdsorganisasjon for å utstede CRS under deres verkstedgodkjenning.
Sertifkatene deles inn i 5 kategorier, og defineres på følgende måte i regelverket:
(Part 66.A.20)
«(a) The following privileges shall apply:
1. A category A aircraft maintenance licence permits the holder to issue certificates of release to service following minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification within the limits of tasks specifically endorsed on the certification authorisation referred to in point 145.A.35 of Annex II (Part-145). The certification privileges shall be restricted to work that the licence holder has personally performed in the maintenance organisation that issued the certification authorisation.
2. A category B1 aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service and to act as B1 support staff following:
* maintenance performed on aircraft structure, powerplant and mechanical and electrical systems,
* work on avionic systems requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability and not requiring troubleshooting.
Category B1 includes the corresponding A subcategory.
3. A category B2 aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder:
(i) to issue certificates of release to service and to act as B2 support staff for following:
* maintenance performed on avionic and electrical systems, and
* electrical and avionics tasks within powerplant and mechanical systems, requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability; and
(ii) to issue certificates of release to service following minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification within the limits of tasks specifically endorsed on the certification authorisation referred to in point 145.A.35 of Annex II (Part-145). This certification privilege shall be restricted to work that the licence holder has personally performed in the maintenance organisation which issued the certification authorisation and limited to the ratings already endorsed in the B2 licence.
The category B2 licence does not include any A subcategory.
4. A category B3 aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service and to act as B3 support staff for:
* maintenance performed on aeroplane structure, powerplant and mechanical and electrical systems,
* work on avionic systems requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability and not requiring troubleshooting.
5. A category C aircraft maintenance licence shall permit the holder to issue certificates of release to service following base maintenance on aircraft. The privileges apply to the aircraft in its entirety.
For å kunne benytte privilegiene et flyteknisk sertifikat gir, må man også ha en autorisasjon fra Part-145 organisasjonen man jobber i. EASA sier følgende om dette i sin CRS policy statement:
«»What does it mean “appropriately authorised certifying staff”
This means that in order to issue a CRS the certifying staff have to be formally authorised by the maintenance organisation to do so. The word “appropriately” means that the person can only be authorised when the organisation has verified compliance with all the applicable qualification requirements, only for the scope of work applicable to that qualification (in the case of Part-145 organisations, please refer to 145.A.30, 145.A.35) and always within the privileges granted by the Part-66 licence held by the person (refer to 66.A.20).
This means that, for example, in the case of a line maintenance event which includes a daily check + some single running tasks + requested defect rectification entered in the Technical Log by the crew, if such event includes tasks within the scope of B1 and B2 privileges (mechanical tasks and avionic tasks), then a single release to service can only be issued if the person issuing it holds both the B1 and B2 licences. It is not possible for a B1 certifying staff (or for a B2 certifying staff) to issue a single release to service covering the full maintenance event. The other option is to have a B1 certifying staff issuing a release to service for the mechanical tasks and a B2 certifying staff issuing a release to service for the avionics tasks, which would become a multiple release system.»
Det er også viktig å minne på at følgende elementer må være oppfylt før man kan bruke et flyteknisk sertifikat:
«(b) The holder of an aircraft maintenance licence may not exercise its privileges unless:
1. in compliance with the applicable requirements of Annex I (Part-M) and Annex II (Part-145); and
2. in the preceding 2-year period he/she has, either had 6 months of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges granted by the aircraft maintenance licence or, met the provision for the issue of the appropriate privileges; and
3. he/she has the adequate competence to certify maintenance on the corresponding aircraft; and
4. he/she is able to read, write and communicate to an understandable level in the language(s) in which the technical documentation and procedures necessary to support the issue of the certificate of release to service are written.»
og videre:
(GM Part 66.A.20(b)4)
«1. Holders of a Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence may not exercise certification privileges unless they have a general knowledge of the language used within the maintenance environment including knowledge of common aeronautical terms in the language. The level of knowledge should be such that the licence holder is able to:
* read and understand the instructions and technical manuals used for the performance of maintenance;
* make written technical entries and any maintenance documentation entries, which can be understood by those with whom they are normally required to communicate;
* read and understand the maintenance organisation procedures;
* communicate at such a level as to prevent any misunderstanding when exercising certification privileges.
2. In all cases, the level of understanding should be compatible with the level of certification privileges exercised.»
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